Friday, November 18, 2011

26 weeks!

I've been gone so I've skipped a few weeks! But baby is still growing and here is what is currently happening with Lily...
Deep breath! Air sacks are developing in baby's lungs, which means it just might be possible for baby to take a breath at the end of this week. The air sacks (technically called alveoli) will continue to grow for the next nine years. The membrane that keeps the alveoli separate from the blood vessels is now thin enough to allow for that oxygen–carbon dioxide exchange we call breathing. Other highlights this week:

The retina completes the development of its normal layers this week—all the better to see you with. Well not you, per se, because her eyes are still sealed shut and it's really dark in there, but your baby's eyes are now fully developed.

Brainwaves for the auditory and visual systems are detectable in baby's noggin this week. That means baby's brain is registering things like sound and light. She can't understand what any of it means yet, but she's on track to comprehend an entire episode of Blue's Clues in no time!

As hearing continues to develop, your baby will start to recognize your voice. One hint that your karaoke rendition of "Bohemian Rhapsody" is not the best would be when the baby starts banging on your gut. Our bambino will also start to recognize Luke's voice. He may feel silly talking to your stomach, but assure him that somebody other than you is definitely listening. Research has shown that newborns actually recognize familiar sounds after birth. Proof that your baby has been paying attention all along.

Break out the sparkling apple juice—baby has now completed two-thirds of her stay in Hotel Womb. Lily is about 1 2/3 pounds and is 14 inches long head-to-heel, or about the length of a burp cloth (otherwise known as my primary wardrobe accessory for the next several months). (From

Back to me...

Lily is growing big and fast and last week we had our first baby shower!! It was a wonderful time and I thoroughly enjoyed myself! Here are a few of the items we were able to test out on Newter bug...Poor guy. (**Note: when I say we I mean mostly Luke)

Luke has tested out the nursing pillow on Newt. He was quite scared of it initially but relaxes once he's on the pillow.

Luke was demonstrating the Moby Wrap as seen in magazines

He's just cute as a button :)


  1. Lol Luke's face in that second picture is HILARIOUS. It's almost as great as his face in the jumping picture.

  2. It's because that's his interpretation of men in magazines.

  3. Men in magazines don't look like that... they look like this:
